Two Eyesonhives bee monitor devices covered in snow

Bee Monitoring: Bees in the Extremes

From the back to back hottest days in Australia’s history, to the frigid deep cold of Ontario Canada, Eyesonhives Bee Monitor is tracking bees in the extremes! Here’s a quick overview of the bees activity, and the performance of the devices.

Usability and Eyesonhives

Two key ideas of Eyesonhives are Useful Data and Easy Interpretation. This is one of the reasons we capture video! The video is both useful data, as well as makes interpreting the activity data for what’s happening at a beehive, an easier experience!

Tax deductions for bees?

Imagine if a bill was passed that offered farmers the option of installing bee colonies on their land in exchange for tax deductions – Jonathan O Do you remember the …

Eyesonhives washboarding captured

Washboarding Bees

Washboarding: a curiosity of beekeeping? Washboarding is an interesting behavior where bees walk back and forth in a ‘washboarding dance’, for reasons apparently unknown to beekeeping. Some speculate the bees do …